Line Manager Support Programme

An easy access rolling support programme for line managers who are supporting their teams

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Are you supporting your line managers? 

The role of the line manager is always growing. Line managers are seeking additional support to discover the answers to everyday mental wellbeing scenarios at work and to further their personal knowledge. Our Line Manager Support Programme is a 12-month easy access rolling support programme for line managers who are supporting their teams. The programme is priced on a sliding scale according to the number of line managers you have in your organisation. It enables you to cost effectively support them whilst they support your employees mental health.

Keen to sign up or find out more about our Line Manager Support Programme?
Please get in touch.

Download our Line Manager Support Programme leaflet

What are the benefits?

  • Cost effective
  • For time poor line managers
  • Seamless enrolment for all line managers
  • Role-play everyday scenarios
  • Focus on self-care and boundaries
  • Increase in confidence around having difficult conversations
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What's included?

  • x3 Upskilling sessions
    45 minute long webinars where line managers can develop new skills and build on existing ones

  • x3 Surgeries
    Safe space where line managers can drop in, ask questions and share any challenges they face in
    their role.

  • Access to Hub
    Resources available including webinar recordings, surgery notes and conference session recordings.

  • Worksheets
    “How To” worksheets covering different topics on workplace mental health.

  • Access to the annual conference content
    Access to some of the conference sessions available on-demand. These cover different topics around workplace mental health.
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If you are interested in learning more about or signing up to our Line Manager Support Programme, get in touch today.

Download our Line Manager Support Programme leaflet

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