Grief Understanding Programme

Essential employee support and education for understanding grief and bereavement

Grief Understanding Programme hero image

Does your workplace understand grief? 

Supporting and educating your employees on understanding grief and bereavement is essential. We offer two sessions that can be held either in person or via a webinar. We also offer two additional sessions that can be delivered in-person or via a webinar to support your employees.

Keen to sign up or find out more? Please get in touch or:

Download our Grief Understanding Programme Leaflet

Session 1 - Understanding Grief: An Introduction (For employees)

  • What is grief and the connection to other losses? (divorce, children leaving home, chronic illness)
  • Is all grief the same? Explaining the different types of grief
  • How does grief impact our physical health and mental health
  • When does grief become a mental illness?
  • Signs of deterioration and when to seek?
  • Simple strategies for grief recovery
  • How to talk about grief with a colleague
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Session 2 - What is grief and its connection to other losses? (For leaders and line managers)

  • Is all grief the same? We explain the different types of grief and connection to other losses
  • How does grief impact our physical health, and mental wellbeing?
  • Looking at conversations – holding and supporting
  • A brief look at policies
  • Awareness of the long-term impact and impact on performance
  • Practical interventions - Sharing tips on the value of peer support groups (e.g.bereavement groups)
  • Keeping an open mind to the possibility that people can be both functioning professionals and grief stricken people, who need understanding and acknowledgement
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A very thorough and thoughtful session to explore a very sensitive subject. The first person experience of the presenter added real resonance to the messages in the webinar.

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Additional Support Available

We offer additional sessions below that can be delivered in-person or via a webinar to support your employees.


Session 1

Supporting and reviewing policy

For Line Managers, HR and Leaders


Session 2

Understanding grief: A more in-depth look

For all employees


Session 3

Anticipatory grief

For all employees

Included with each session is access to our Grief resources page packed with personal stories and useful information to share with employees.

To find out more about our Grief Understanding Programme, please contact us

Download our Grief Understanding Programme Leaflet

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