Champions Programme

For mental wellbeing champions/allies/ambassadors/MHFAs

Champions Programme hero image

Enhancing your champions knowledge

Many organisations have introduced mental wellbeing champions/allies to support their colleagues. After their initial training, these champions continue to seek additional support to discover the answers to situations that they find themselves in and to further their own knowledge. This is why we have developed the Champions Support Programme – a 12 month programme just for your mental wellbeing champions.

The programme is for those employees who have either had formal mental wellbeing training (ie: MHFA), are a mental wellbeing champion or part of a mental wellbeing group. The programme has been developed to enhance their skills and knowledge in their role wherever they may be located across the globe.

What does the 12 month programme include?

  • x4 Surgeries
    Half hour long surgeries, bi-monthly, where champions can drop in, ask questions and share any challenges they face in their role.
  • Worksheets
    'How To' worksheets covering different topics on workplace mental health and worksheets available from each webinar.
  • Access to Champions Hub
    Resources available including worksheets, webinar recordings, surgery notes and conference session recordings.
  • Access to the conference content
    Access to some of the conference sessions available on-demand. These cover different topics around workplace mental health.
  • x4 Webinars
    Hour long webinars where champions can develop new skills and build on existing ones
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This Can Happen do an amazing job and I find the sessions really valuable and full of insights.

Kunal Pinto
Senior Technical Accountant I | Assistant Vice President | Life & Health Reinsurance Operations
Swiss Re Group
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Kunal Pinto

Want to find out more about the Champions Programme?

Simply submit the form below to download the pdf:

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